Garden City Food Pantry
500 Laurel Drive |Monroeville PA 15146
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering Feels So Good
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Garden City Food Pantry. There are many ways to volunteer and the time commitment can be as little as 3 hours a month.
The Pantry is open the second Thursday of each month.
We are always looking for volunteers to work the two food distribution shifts.
Morning Shift - 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Evening Shift - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Please arrive 15 minutes early
Volunteer Activities – Food Distribution Day
Assisting Clients - There are times clients need assistance as they shop. By helping them reach items it helps to make their shopping experience smoother and it’s gives you an opportunity to get to know them.
Helping Clients to their Cars – There are clients who really appreciate getting help to their cars and unloading the grocery cart.
Returning Grocery Carts – Having carts returned to the Pantry in a timely manner helps to expedite the distribution process.
Dairy Products – On Food Distribution day, we need help in placing dairy items in bags and giving them to the clients.
Frozen Meat/Poultry Products – On Food Distribution day the clients are able to pick out their meat and poultry items. We need volunteers to manage this station.
We are always looking for people to help us on distribution days but there are other opportunities to volunteer if you cannot come during the distribution hours.
Volunteer Activities for the first Friday of the Month
Unloading the Food Truck – On the first Friday of each month the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank delivers a truck of food to be unloaded. The delivery is usually between 9 am and 10 am.
Stocking Pantry – Sort and stock the food shelves.
Second Wednesday of the Month
Drivers to Pick-up Produce and Breads - The second Wednesday of the month volunteers pick up produce and breads from the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank in Duquesne.
Sorting Breads and Bagging Produce – The second Wednesday of the month fresh produce and breads are delivered to the Pantry. We need help in sorting and stocking the produce shelves.
For more information or questions call 412-373-0391 or email