Garden City Food Pantry
500 Laurel Drive |Monroeville PA 15146

How to Get Help
Registration is required upon your first visit to the Pantry. Please bring a photo ID and a second form of proof of residence (a utility bill, lease, etc.) to your first visit.
Please note: Re-registration with these documents is required annually; the date will be posted at the Pantry prior to that time.
In case of an emergency request call 412-373-0391.
Forms to Register
The forms below are for first time clients. If you are able to print out the forms and complete them prior to your first visit it will help expedite the process. If you are unable to print the forms we will provide them upon your arrival.
Participation Certification Form
Proxy Form to Pick Up Another Food
Senior Forms
The forms below are for first time clients who are Seniors, 60 years of age or over. If you are able to print out the forms and complete them prior to your first visit it will help expedite the process. If you are unable to print the forms we will provide them upon your arrival
Senior Box Income and Package Guide
Participation Certification Form